Climate change

Climate change is one of the great issues of our time. There is broad agreement amongst scientists that most of the global warming observed in the last 50 years is the result of human activity.

This collection of materials provides information about the current effects of climate change in Australia, ongoing and expected future impacts, counters to common misconceptions, the work of international bodies, recent scientific findings and relevant information sources.

Fact & Issue Sheets

Climate change and Australia

Of all industrialised countries, Australia is one of the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Common misconceptions about climate change

Commonly circulated misconceptions about climate change can be countered with these up-to-date facts.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)

Since 1994, parties to the Convention have continued to meet annually to negotiate the advancement of their long-term objective to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The world’s leading climate scientists together with technical and social scientists assess climate change and publish comprehensive reports every six to seven years.

Climate Change – information sources on emerging findings

A list of sources for recent climate change research and reports.

Study Guides

Recent releases


Hear Our Voice book cover Hear Our Voice Ken Coghill & Paula Wright

New reports

Book cover Are we progressing: Comprehensive monitoring and reporting in Australia Andrew Macintosh & Deb Wilkinson

New Essays

HRFA-cover Human Rights For and Against Spencer Zifcak & Alison King

Aus-Economy The Australian Economy Ian McAuley

GPoverty-img Global poverty Michelle Sowey

For the launch of the new web site:

Democracy in Australia

Full revisions completed.

Fact and Issue Sheets

Revisions to nearly all sheets completed.

School resources

Full revisions completed.